Monday, July 11, 2011

Ten on Ten :: July 2011


Unknown said...

wow, i love that bridge shot. congrats on the STP!

Jenny said...

uh oh chris, looking a little sunburned!

i still want to hear more about this STP adventure, sorry our phone call got cut off...we tried to call back but it just kept going to vm.

Brooke said...

Love your outdoor breakfast! We really need to do that every once in while... LOVE your bridge shot... and OUCH - hope that burn heals up soon!

Rachel said...

I LOVE Simon's thumbs up. Great photos--full of fun!

kim {the non-mom blogger} said...

gorgeous bridge shot!!

Anonymous said...

The outdoor breakfast is inspiring.

Mirys Segalla said...

Great set!!!

I´m from Brazil but I try to participate too. Go see my "10 on 10 - colours", this month! Hope you like it!

Kisses and blessings.

PS: what it that purple sky???? Just gorgeous!!!