Thursday, April 10, 2008

10 on 10 in 2 with 1

This is my first attempt at the ten on ten extravaganza! I had to share Rebekah's camera so I only got to use it later in the took 10 pictures on the 10th in 2 hours with one shared camera. Then, with Rebekah's help I got the pics looking really great! Here they are (and no stealing my serial number for the blizzard fan club):


AMI said...

number 3!!! what is it?? I could dive in!

Chris Gough said...

It is actually the hull of a ferry boat...minutes later we drove right over that spot and into Kingston!

Kristen Gough said...

i had a hunch you might be participating this month, chris, and came over here to see... you took some really great shots! i think kyle will really like the one of the cute dog (i know i like that one anyway).

happy anniversary! looks like an incredible place you chose to take your sweet wife! :)

Kristen Gough said...

p.s. is that a cat? reminds me of the random chicken from rebekah's set last month. a classic 10 on 10 moment!

Bryan said...

chris, the whole point of 10 on 10 is that YOU take the pictures from your immediate surroundings! NOT download images and copy/paste them into your blog.

bandwidow said...

good work!

Jenny said...

hey, I didn't know you participated..where have I been?

I'm also wondering how in the world you managed to take that photo of the blizzard since clearly both of your hands are in the photo...hmm.

I also really love the ferry shot, the barnacles, and are those pistachios on the beach?